
Showing posts with the label Islam And Contemporary Issues

Institution Of Veil In Islam ;A Religious compulsion or Cultural Choice?

  Introduction  Although long seen as the most distinctive emblem of Islam ,and the most controversial matter in the wake of faminism" the veil" we often see around on social media pictures of edibles, cars covering or wraping just to emphasize the veil and enforce it on women and what not? I always doubted the understanding of basic and in depth islamic knowledge of such people who budge around every woman and try to degrade her for her veil  dressing choices .And that's why i always wanted to research thoroughly to understand the reality, compulsion and to bust the myths related to veil in islam. I have been reading and researching its been more than a year. For that matter i am going to write down what i have learned and what i could make out from the historical perspective and how it has become a reason to oppress himiliate, judge and victim blaming in our contemporary muslim societies. And i will provide references in the end of this blogpost.  Background And Ad...

Struggle of Women's Rights And Gender Equality in West( Myths And Realities).Through the Historical Lens

  Women's rights and gender equality are some of the major issues, constituting the mainstream debate concerning the rights of women in west versus the rights of women in Islam. In the light of historical evidences ,the picture of the rights of women in the west appears highly bleak and ambiguous. Going Through The Historical Lens It was not until 1920 when women were granted the right to vote .which was endowed to women 1400 years back in islam . Some of the rights of women such as education ,employment and owning property won recognition only after a long arduous struggle launched by the feminists such as Mary Wollstonecraft, Helena Cixous and Betty Friedan. Despite the strong feminist protests ,campaigns and advocacy groups,these women achieved what Islam has blessed the women centuries back without women's asking. It seems now that  even west needs to go a long way to promulgate and implement their rights islam has granted . For example, it is unfortunate that despite legi...

Know The Reasons Why Pork is Haram in Islam ? 15 Things You Should Know About Pigs:

  Why Pork is Haram in Islam ~ 15 Things You Should Know About Pigs: 1) A pig is a real garbage gut. It will eat anything including urine, excrement, dirt, decaying animal flesh, maggots, or decaying vegetables. They will even eat the cancerous growths off other pigs or animals. 2) The meat and fat of a pig absorbs toxins like a sponge. Their meat can be 30 times more toxic than beef or venison. 3) When eating beef or venison, it takes 8 to 9 hours to digest the meat so what little toxins are in the meat are slowly put into our system and can be filtered by the liver. But when pork is eaten, it takes only 4 hours to digest the meat. We thus get a much higher level of toxins within a shorter time. 4) Unlike other mammals, a pig does not sweat or perspire. Perspiration is a means by which toxins are removed from the body. Since a pig does not sweat, the toxins remain within its body and in the meat. 5) Pigs and swine are so poisonous that you can hardly kill them with strychnine or o...

How Much Khadija R.A Meant to Prophet (PBUH) ? Loyalty ,Love and Need After the Death of our Beloved ones?

What has forced me to write this were few videos circulating around on the social media. One where a man calls in a tv show and tells that he is living and couning days since his wife has left him and died. And he didnt even think of marrying another woman after his wife's death because he loved her so much. There is no harm loving and staying single after your partner's death .But there are some conditions when one becomes obsessed and creates halucinations just to serve himself for that feel of being loved by the dead person and then names it loyalty to the deceased one. And all this to fill the void of his soul and heart that was created after the death and absence of that person .At some point it becomes toxic relationship of one with his ownself where he wants to  get out of this  phase and start afresh but can't leave because of certain reasons. And beyond a certain limit and time this affects person's mental,physical and emotional well being. Its simply akin to d...

Do Faithful People Go Through Depression And Anxiety?(Misconceptions)

 It is often said that if you have complete faith you wont be sad or depressed.And irony is that this statement is accepted and believed as well just because our few scholars think so.But if we study,observe ,read Quran ,history and have a look on the life of Prophets and let ourselves contemplate we would learn that  this misconception holds no water. My this blogpost is based on research and study through few books and thats why i am trying to jott it down on my keyboard.  Prophet PBUH a man of high character in this world and hereafter went through a major depression phase after fst revealation was decreed upon him.We all know that he started shivering and couldnt handle the situation for a while despite being a man of compassion,patience,belief and what not.He went to Khadija and asked for her support.Hazrat Khadija R.A wraped him around with a blanket and made him calm with her kind words.Moreover Prophet PBUH had various events in his life where he went through anxi...

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