
Showing posts with the label Book Review

21 Lessons for the 21st Century By Yuval Noah Harari !!!

 With Sapiens and Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari first explored the past, then the future of humankind, garnering the praise of no less than Imran Khan, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and Mark Zuckerberg, to name a few, and selling millions of copies in the over 30 countries it was published. In 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, he devotes himself to the present. 21 Lessons For the 21st Century provides a kind of instruction manual for the present day to help readers find their way around the 21st century, to understand it, and to focus on the really important questions of life. Once again, Harari presents this in the distinctive, informal, and entertaining style that already characterized his previous books. The topics Harari examines in this way include major challenges such as international terrorism, fake news, and migration, as well as turning to more personal, individual concerns, such as our time for leisure or how much pressure and stress we can take. 21 Lessons for the 21st Centur...


  The Silent Patient is a gripping and a psychological thriller that will leave you until the last page .This novel is masterfully written and ingeniously plotted offering a captivating blend of suspense ,mystery and psychological exploration .From the outset the enigmatic woman ,Alicia Berenson attracts you into her world and you can't help wondering through the roads of mystery, misery, silence and trauma. The author through skillfull story telling ,weaves a web of intrigue that unravels gradually, revealing layer upon layer of Alicia's past and the events that led to her current state. The mystery surrounding her silence becomes obsession ,and the reader is relentlessly driven to uncover the truth .The story is thoughtful and suspenseful. This book actually gives you an exposure of trivial reasons and few raw unprocessed and suppressed emotions that could turn out into a disaster at some point in life .It underscores that how much important role parenting can play in one...

"The God Of Small Things" By Arundhati Roy

  "The God Of Small Things" is a very unique novel and a very remarkable work of Arundhiti Roy about age-old concepts of casteism, inter-caste love, patriarchy, chauvinism and social boundaries. The book is very craftly written indirectly attacking these social evils being practised yet till now in society being unnoticed. The book represents the stories of its each character so that we are well acquainted with their personalities and can be the judge to classify each consequence as fair or unfair on our part. The three main characters of the novel **Estha, Rahel** ( single egg- unidentical twins) and **Ammu** ( mother of the twins) have a balance of an ecstatic and a traumatic life leading to a melancholic end. Rahel and Estha has the strongest relation among all as they consider themselves as one unit and knows about each others feeling without even directly confessing them, hence they know how to comfort each other. Unfortunately they two goes through many ups and downs...

milk and honey By Rupi Kaur

  This book 'milk and honey' is a collection of poetry that revolves around  LOVE LOSS TRAUMA ABUSE HEALING AND FEMINITY It comprises of four chapters .Each chapter serves a different purpose and gives a beautiful and bold journey of truth bombs. It feels really personal. It deals with pain ,aching hearts, sighs that are converted into words .Its a journey of bitterness and sweetness of the moments of life. Rupi Kaur has painted a mysoginist picture of society in really simple and beautiful words and condemned it .She is a really creative writer and poet. For poetry lovers this book is a treat.

Timeless Seeds Of Advice By B.B. Abdullah

  This book is a collection of beautiful and practical pieces of advice from Quran ,the Prophet PBUH and Islam's great scholars on repentance ,guidance and way forward to a peaceful and content life. This book is a source of hope and strength for those going through difficult times. It is like as someone has sprinkled water on your burning heart. It is simple, precise and short book but its a must read for all people and for all times. I have kept it in my fvt books' list since i have read it. Its a maximum one hour read but really and remarkably influential and strengthens the faith.

IKIGAI (The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life)

  This Book's name Ikigai is a mysterious word .This Japanese concept roughly translates as 'the happiness of always being busy'. But it goes for wider perspective. It also seems to be one way of explaining the extraordinary longevity of the japanese , especially on the island of Okinawa, where there are 24.55 people over age of 100 for every 100,000 inhabitants, that is far more than the global average. And both the writers 'Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles' goes on debating and reasoning about Ikigai as the cause of  Japanese people's liveliness and longivity of life. They studied the secrets of the Japanese centenarians in person .They interviewed many people in a village as well with the eldest residents of the town  and realized that something far more powerful than just natural resources was at work, an uncommon joy flows from its inhabitants and guides them through the long and pleasureable journey of their lives .And that's what they called Ikigai...

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