What To Avoid While Feeding Your Dog?A Guide To Make Informed Choices

We have all sat down to eat only to find ourselves staring into the most imploring set of eyes hoping for a little tidbit to fall into their waiting mouth. This, of course, begs the question of what dogs can't eat when it comes to people food.

Below is a list of several foods bad for dogs. Please NEVER give these to your canine friends:

1.Chocolate -
 It can cause vomiting, diarrhea, heart issues, muscle tremors and seizures

2.Dairy Products -
 Cheeses and milk products can cause diarrhea, leading to dehydration

An obstruction hazard that can cause water retention leading to heart disease, as well as flareups of pancreatitis, which causes vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite & lethargy

4.Onions and garlic
Can be lethal for cats, causing their red blood cells to rupture or stop carrying oxygen efficiently

5.Raisins or grapes
Can cause kidney failure

6.Raw eggs
Can cause salmonella, skin problems and food poisoning and let's face it... nobody should eat raw eggs...

7.Raw fish
Contains an enzyme that is toxic to dogs and can lead to seizure and death

8.Bread dough
The enzymes can create CO2 and ethyl alcohol, which gets absorbed into the blood stream and can cause seizures and respiratory failure

Very toxic to dogs, leading to vomiting, diarrhea, pain, lethargy and ultimately kidney failure

Check out our handy infographic below of some of the foods you should avoid giving to doggos


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